Laravel QR Code Generator: QR codes have gotten really popular lately because they’re flexible and easy to use. They can hold lots of different info, like website links or contact details, and are used a lot in marketing, tickets, and verifying things. This step-by-step tutorial will guide you through the process of building a dynamic QR code generator using Laravel.

Laravel QR Code Generator

Laravel QR code generator can be achieved with the help of various libraries. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create QR codes in a Laravel application using the popular library called Simple-QRCode that makes making QR codes in Laravel simpler.


  • Laravel Installed: Set up a Laravel environment. If not installed, use Composer to create a new Laravel project.
  • Composer: Ensure Composer, a PHP dependency manager, is installed on your system.
  • Simple-QRCode Package: We’ll use the “simple-qrcode” package to simplify QR code generation in Laravel.
  • Step 1: Create Laravel Project

    Make sure you have Laravel installed. If not, just open a terminal and type in this command to create a new Laravel project via composer.

    Copy to Clipboard

    Add Database Details: After installation, Go to the project root directory, open the .env file, and set database detail as follow:

    DB_DATABASE='replace database name'
    DB_USERNAME='replace database username'
    DB_PASSWORD='replace database password'
  • Step 2: Install simple-qrcode Package

    To install the “Simple-QRCode” package, open your terminal or command prompt, navigate to your Laravel project’s root directory, and run the following command. Once the package is installed, Laravel will automatically discover the service provider for you.

    Copy to Clipboard

    Now open config/app.php file and add service provider and aliase.

    Copy to Clipboard
  • Step 3: Create QR Code Controller

    Run the following command to create QR Code Controller.

    Copy to Clipboard

    Next, Open app/Http/Controllers/QrCodeController.php and add the following code into the file:

    Copy to Clipboard
  • Step 4: Create Blade file

    Next, create a view file that will display the QR code. Create a new Blade view file in the resources/views/qrcode.blade.php and add the following code:

    Copy to Clipboard
  • Step 5: Define a Route

    Open the routes/web.php file and define a route that points to your QrCodeController method:

    Copy to Clipboard

    Now, when you visit the route in your browser, you should see the QR code displayed on the page.

  • Step 6: Displaying QR Codes

    You have now successfully generated a QR code using Laravel and the Simple-QRCode package. You can customize it further based on your specific requirements. By adjusting settings such as size, color, background, and error correction level, you can create QR codes that suit your specific requirements and match your website’s design.  Don’t forget to check out the Simple-QRCode package documentation for more in-depth information on how to take advantage of all its features and make the most of QR code generation in your Laravel application.