Product filtering is a crucial feature for any e-commerce website. It directly impacts the user experience, conversion rates, and overall customer satisfaction. Establish an efficient product filtering system for your WooCommerce store, enable users to filter products based on categories, attributes, prices, and more. Simplify the shopping experience for your customers, ultimately boosting conversion rates.


The easiest and most common way to add product filtering to your WooCommerce store is by using a plugin. There are several plugins available, such as “WooCommerce Product Filter” and “WooCommerce Ajax Product Filter,” that offer powerful filtering options. We’ll use a popular WooCommerce product filter plugin called “WooCommerce Product Filter” by WooBeWoo as an example.

  • Step 1: Install and Activate the Plugin

    1. Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard.
    2. Go to “Plugins” > “Add New.”
    3. Search for “WooCommerce Product Filter” by WooBeWoo.
    4. Install and activate the plugin.

  • Step 2: Configure the Plugin

    After installation, configure the plugin settings based on your store’s requirements. This may include selecting filter criteria like price range, product attributes, categories, and more. Navigate to the “WooCommerce” menu and select “Product Filters.” Proceed to configure the filter settings in accordance with your specific needs.

  • Step 3: Create a New Filter

    Under “Product Filters,” click on “Add New Filter” to create a new filter. Give your filter a name and configure its settings. You can set filter criteria based on categories, tags, attributes, price range, or any other relevant options. When setting up your filtering system, it’s crucial to identify the criteria by which your customers should be able to filter products.

    • Product Categories: Allow customers to filter products by category.
    • Price Range: Provide options to filter products within a specific price range.
    • Product Attributes: Allow filtering based on attributes like size, color, and material.
    • Product Tags: If you use tags effectively, you can use them as filtering criteria.
    • Stock Availability: Enable customers to filter out-of-stock or in-stock products.

    You should analyze your product catalog and target audience to determine which criteria are most relevant for your store.

  • Step 4: Add the Filter to Your Shop or Archive Pages

    Choose where you want to place the filtering options on your site. Common locations include the sidebar, header, or above product listings. Customize the appearance of the filter elements to match your site’s design and branding.

    • You’ll need to add the filter to your shop or product archive pages. Create a new page or edit an existing one where you want to display the filter.
    • Use the shortcode provided by the plugin to insert the filter into the page’s content. The shortcode format might look something like [wpf-filters id=”your-filter-id”]. You can find your filter’s ID under “Product Filters.”
    • Customize the appearance of the filter by using CSS or the built-in customization options provided by the plugin.

  • Step 5: Save and Update

    Save the page and view it on your website. You should now have a product filter for your WooCommerce products.

    Please note that while I provided an example using the “WooCommerce Product Filter” plugin, you can explore other WooCommerce product filter plugins that might suit your needs better.